March 28, 2024
Website Revamp
Innovior Tech

01. Project Background

OInnovior Tech needed a fresh approach to their digital presence, particularly in updating their website and improving their brand’s overall look and feel. They also lacked consistency on social media, which was limiting their engagement and reach.

02. The Solution

O We revamped their website, giving it a modern and professional look that reflected their brand’s identity more clearly. Along with the website overhaul, we guided them on how to maintain a consistent and cohesive presence across their social media platforms, ensuring their messaging was aligned and effective.

Web Development

In Website image | 10x Digital Ventures

Brand Guidelines

In Brand Guidline scaled | 10x Digital Ventures

Social Media Post

In SOcial media | 10x Digital Ventures

03. The Results

OThe revamped website brought a new level of professionalism to their online presence, while their social media became more engaging and consistent. This transformation helped Innovior Tech connect better with their audience and presented their brand in a stronger, more cohesive way.